This sight is page sight that chiefly talks about the history.
It was clarified that the Antikitira image introduced here was a computer made of the bronze that was made in the second century at B.C. and had improved from the sunken ship 100 years ago by a modern high technology.
It is an appearance of the personal computer genesis that handles now everyone. The discovered place is the Mediterranean sea Antikitira island offing.
Island that floats on the tip of eyes and noses Crete and Knossos with which myth was colored. It is in an important terrain that corresponds to Kyushu and Tsushima for instance in the route and Japan that leads to the relay ground where the continent is connected with the sea route and ancient city-state Greece. There were the Asia Minor west edge interrupted in the Bosphorus strait and Ottoman Empire in history in the east, and the ancient highway silk road net was paved, and the sphere of the world in the ancient Eurasia region was composed in case of in addition toward the east.
As for development as the nucleus, the Mediterranean sea of an ancient civilization country is clear. It moves Mesopotamia, Persia, Egypt, and east and ups and downs at past days such as Indus and China are told realistically. What is the reason? Why did Mesopotamia (present Iraq) , for example, four large civilizations in the world and other ancient civilization history nations worship dust after Europe and America in the contemporary society?Where is the reason?
It is thought that knowing the approval process of a Greek nation at B.C. is necessary for knowing it, and when string relieved and the reason are understood, it is a motive of the sight establishment as the beginning based on the computer of Antikitira as for a philosophy and a natural science of the archaic society.
- Continuation is see by linking "Antikitira" images-.
My HP was made English with translation software (excite). Because various information on the Internet easily does such a translation, it is very convenient. The HP top page introduces here is made translation English only of top page in the meaning of the introduction because it becomes a huge amount if the full page is translated though can read the content by each link in finding. Please fly to about and read when there are translation mis-etc.